Contact Person Dr. Dina Ellsworth
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Students learn basic and valuable lab skills that help them to design solutions to current global environmental issues such as ensuring food security; providing affordable, renewable energy and clean, safe drinking water to a growing world population.
All projects in BEES aim to solve environmental issues with sustainable and affordable solutions. This is the key to developing sustainable solutions that will allow us to provide basic needs to all people while protecting and preserving our environment for future generations.
Contact Person Mr. Chris Hanas
CSE utilizes a variety of programming and simulation tools to develop computational thinking, generate excitement about career paths in computer science, and introduce professional tools, such as GitHub and Cloud9, that foster creativity and collaboration.
In POE, a few projects are focused around VEX Robotics. Beginning project examples include using the VEX parts to unfurl a small flag or pour a water bottle. Later in the year, projects advance and use programming, such as with a roving VEX robot or a machine that senses light.
In place of unit tests, POE uses group-based unit projects to assess the students’ design and analysis capabilities. These projects require the students to research, brainstorm, prototype and test their designs. In addition to a working design model, the students are also responsible for submitting a final design report and, in some cases, making a verbal presentation to the class. Due to the project scope, the successful team must demonstrate strong collaboration among all members.
Contact Person Ms. Linda Grunthaner
After IED introduces students to the basics of using computer-aided drawing tools, students put their skills to the test by creating working drawings of these model cars using Autodesk Inventor software. The unique shapes of these cars give students a challenge while also serving as a hands-on model.
After the foam mock-up model, EDD students may continue in their design process and make a working prototype. Prototypes are often made out of wood, or any other material that may be suited for a final product.
In EDD, students must first make a mock-up model before proceeding to the finished project design. The mock-up models, which are usually made out of foam core and tape or glue, give students an idea as to whether their design will be functional.
Contact Person Mr. Robert Dennis
In CEA, students work meticulously in creating a house with given specifications. In this case, the house needed to be a Victorian model. Students designed the house using 3D architectural design software and proceeded in constructing this finished product.
CEA may prepare students for the design of commercial building projects. Bridges are another area of study, which students analyze for cost, efficiency, structural stability, and aesthetics.
CIM uses many manufacturing technologies such as computer modeling, Computer Numeric Control (CNC) technology, Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) software, robotics, and flexible manufacturing systems. These blue boxes were shaped and cut out by programming a CNC machine.
Contact Person Mr. Peter Borchardt
DE students work in block periods for over two hours at a time. This gives them enough time at their computer workstations to work on their circuitry projects without having to take multiple breaks in between.
This may surprise students at first, but there are a lot of worksheets involved in COPE. Students primarily learn Java in this class, though they are taught not to rely on the computer. Students become adept at hand writing code as well.
"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn." This represents the spirit of learning here, not just in this classroom, but at High Technology High School as well.
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